Senin, 12 Mei 2014

ARTICLES - Poverty in Indonesia

what do you think with this picture??
 Average population in Indonesia has a large income, but there are still many poor people are not helped, such as clothing worn in the picture is less feasible, although the government has guaranteed in the UUD 1945 Pasal 27 Ayat 2 ''”Tiap-tiap warga negara berhak  atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan”,  maka mengatasi pengangguran  merupakan prioritas utama  dalam pembangunan nasional, sehingga kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi dapat terwujud.
  Poverty is indeed a great job for our government, but The job is never prioritized to reduce poverty, to share in the way it has been done but can not even take care of this problem. poverty is a problem that is characterized by a variety of things including a poor quality of life of the population, lack of adequacy and quality of food, limited and poor quality health care, child nutrition, and low quality of education services. 
    The factors that cause poverty . The causative factors of poverty can be categorized in the following points :
A. Decline in standards development income per - capita basis  globally
B. The cost of living is high.
C. The division of government subsidies come in the uneven

    Government creates jobs that can absorb a lot of labor to reduce unemployment , because unemployment is one of the root causes of poverty in Indonesia . government should also immediately remove or resolve the problem of corruption to its conclusion . because corruption is the act of stealing state funds and create delays in the construction of public facilities .
     Responsive and caring attitude to these problems should be owned by every citizen , because of the concern that the survival and well-being of society can be saved
        Measures educational development policies pursued are as follows :
1) improvement of early childhood education for more equitable and quality for all children's potential to     grow and develop optimally in accordance with age so that they have a readiness to enter the next level; 
2) the expansion and improvement of equalization quality basic education services for the fulfillment of the right of citizens to follow the Compulsory Basic Education as mandated by the 9 Years
3) an increase in the expansion of secondary education and equity, both general and vocational, to anticipate rising junior high school graduates as a result of the success of Compulsory Basic Education Program 9 Years, and labor supply of qualified graduates of secondary education; 
4) giving greater attention to the disadvantaged communities in reaching educational services, both formal and informal in accordance with the potential and needs, namely the poor, live in remote areas, islands, areas of conflict and areas below the average performance of education national average, especially areas that have a low fiscal capacity, disabled children, and children who have difficulty in following the learning process due to physical, emotional, mental, and social and / or have the intelligence and special talents both men and women; 
5) an increase in the expansion of higher education to produce graduates who meet the needs of the labor market and to create and develop science and technology; 
6) increase in non-formal education to provide equitable and quality educational services to citizens who may not be fulfilled the purpose of their education through formal channels, especially for people who never went to school or illiteracy, dropping out of school and other community members who want to improve and / or acquire

Alappat, Francis., Mahatma Gandhi: Prinsip Hidup, Pemikiran dan Konsep Ekonomi, Penerbit Nusamedia dan Nuansa, Jakarta September 2005.
Darmawan T dan Sugeng B di Memahami Negara Kesejahteraan: Beberapa Catatan bagi Indonesia, Jurnal Politika, Jakarta 2006.

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