History of railways in Indonesia starting from Semarang. Maybe NAME Lawang Sewu is familiar to residents of Semarang. The historic building is one of the city tetenger, besides Tugu Muda, Bhakti Mandala Museum, Feather Market, and City Hall .. However Lawang Sewu is not only related to the heroic battle of the five day event. Moreover, the unique building can not be separated from the history of the railway in Indonesia. According to a summary of the history of the organized PT KA, Lawang Sewu was originally owned by NV Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Mastshappij (NIS), which is the forerunner of railway in Indonesia. At that time the capital of the colony is located in Jakarta. However, the construction of the railway began in Semarang .. First Route Railroad History And Development in Indonesia Railway Line which served first as it was Semarang - Yogyakarta. Construction of the line began June 17, 1864, marked the first hoeing by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies Sloet van Den Beele. Three years later, July 19, 1868 train carrying public passengers already serving line as far as 25 km from Semarang to Responsibility.
In the development after widespread private railroad, it was determined that the construction of railways is the responsibility of the government, which is coordinated by the Governor-General after getting concessions from Queen Wilhelmina. Based on the letter of the King of Java, May 28, 1842, it is proposed that the period of preparation for the installation of road network from 1842 to 1862 rail from Semarang to Kedu and some areas kingdom in Java can be done.In the rule set also that the carriages for the transport pulled by buffalo, cow, or horse. Lokomotip not planned withdrawal by train as is usual now. Java King's proposal was not met in 1846 Rochussen propose to the Governor-General of the Netherlands in order to reject the proposal. Further proposed to fund the provision of rail installation in Batavia cross-Bogor. However, in 1851, the Governor-General Duymer van Twist asking the Netherlands to reconsider the construction of granting concessions to private rail road. Finally in 1857 obtained the principle that the construction of railways can be done again by the private sector. Bose 1871, one of the opponents of private carriage road construction, installation of drafting the state railways. But the bill never came to the surface, because the Dutch Transport Minister Fransen van der Putte pulled. The bill mounting rails with cross Surabaya-Pasuruan and Malang deviation in Bangkil proposed Colonial Regional Affairs Minister Mr. Baron van Golstein. Dated 6 April 1875, the Dutch declared that date as the beginning of the government railway presence in the colony administered by a department headed by an Inspector General. Date March 1, 1885 the Bureau was abolished and merged with the Department of Public Works van or BOW. And July 1, 1909, Bureau of State Railway and Tram Company merged with the Department of State (Gouvernement Bedrijven) led by a Chief Inspector. November 1, 1917, the re-structuring occurs, resulting in the Railway Bureau, there are several sections, each section led by Chief section. Surgeon Railway and Tram Company led by Director of the State that holds the leadership in the installation, supply and environment eploitasi road train and tram. While the general supervision of the train and tram handled by the Bureau itself. Since the general supervision of the Bureau of the handle has to supervise the government-owned railway company and private. Bureau leaders who oversee this whole so-called Head of Rail and Tram Supervision under the auspices of the Ministry of State Enterprises. Date March 15, 1924, when the Office of the Chief Inspector of Railways and Tram Pengawsan led by Ir Staargaard, with the permission of the Dutch government to conduct surveillance zoning three: Exploitation of West, Central, and East. but in the early implementation Exploitation head just executing it, which is subject to the Chief Inspector in Bandung. Date 1 April 1934, reorganization and restructuring back again directed to suppress anggran operation. With so head Exploitation has full management authority. Historical Railway OfficeWith the operation of the line, NIS requires the office to carry out administrative tasks. The site chosen was at the other end then Olean Road (now Jalan Youth).The location is the intersection of Jalan Pandanaran, Jalan Dr Soetomo, and Siliwangi Street (now Jalan Soegijapranata) .. It was the architect who gained the confidence to make the design is Ir P de Rieau. There are some blueprints of the building, such as a 387 Ned. Ind.. Spooweg Maatschappij made in February 1902, A 388 E Idem Lengtedoorsnede in September 1902, and the A 541 NISM Semarang voorgevel Langevlenel made in 1903. Third blueprint was made in Amsterdam. But until Sloet Van Den Beele died, the construction of the building has not yet begun. The Dutch government subsequently appointed Professor at Delft Jacob K Klinkhamer and BJ Oudang to build the NIS building in Semarang with reference to the Dutch style architecture .. The site chosen was an area of 18.232 square meters at the end of Olean Street, adjacent to Jalan Jalan Dr Pandanaran and Atopic Dermatitis. It seems that position later inspired two architectures from the Netherlands to create a winged building, consisting of the main building, left wing and right wing .. Before the development is done, the prospective location of the building was dredged depth of 4 meters. Further excavation was covering, with volcanic sand taken from Mount Merapi. The first foundation was made February 27, 1904 with heavy concrete construction on it and then set up a wall of stone sides. All important material imported from Europe, except brick, stone mountains and teak wood .. Every day hundreds of indigenous people working on this building. Lawang Sewu official use on July 1, 1907. During its development, Lawang Sewu was also associated with a history of five-day battle in Semarang district centered in proliman (Simpanglima) which is currently known as the Tugu Muda. Historical events that occurred on August 14, 1945 - August 19, 1945, killed dozens of the Young Railway (Amka). Five of them are buried in the front yard of Lawang Sewu. They are Noersam, Salamoen, Roesman, Soetardjo RM, and RM Moenardi. Train then handed the front page covering 3542.40 square meters in Semarang Municipality Government. While five bodies in the tomb of the page, July 2, 1975 was moved to the Garden Tomb.Giri Single Heroes ceremony with the Governor of Central Java Inspector Soepardjo Roestam. Lawang Sewu building land is now live 14689.60 square meters. Indonesian railways now fairly advanced, although still far behind the train in other countries such as Singapore, but now has had 8 KA PJKA executive mete
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