Likert scale

Likert Rensis have developed a scale to measure public attitudes in 1932 which is now known as the Likert scale. Likert scale used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. With the Likert scale, the variables to be measured are translated into an indicator variable. Then the indicators are used as a starting point to develop instruments which items can be questions or statements. Answer each item instrument that uses a Likert scale has gradations from very positive to very negative, which may include words such as: Very Important (SP), Important (P), Undecided (R), Not Important (TP), Very Not Important (STP) procedure in making the Likert scale is as follows: 1. Researchers collected the items are pretty much, relevant to the problem being studied, and consisted of items that quite clear likes and dislikes. 2. Then the items attempted to a group of respondents who are representative of the population to be observed. 3. Respondents were asked to check over each item, whether he enjoys (+) or did not like it (-). The responses were collected and the answers given please indicate the highest score. There is no problem to provide the number 5 for the highest and lowest score of 1 for that or vice versa. What is important is the consistency of the direction of the attitude shown. Similarly, if the answer "agree" or "disagree" that endeared called, depending on the content of the question and the content of the items are arranged. 4. The total score of each individual is the sum of the scores of each item of the individual. 5. Responses were analyzed to determine which items are very real boundaries between high scores and low scores on the total scale. For example, respondents in the upper 25% and lower 25% were analyzed to see to what extent each item in the different groups. Items that do not show the real difference, whether incoming or low in skortinggi also disposed to maintain the internal consistency of the question.Likert Scale is considered better than Thurstone scale, because: 1. In drawing up the scale, the items that did not clearly indicate a relationship with the attitude that is being investigated still be put into the scale. In compiling the Thurstone scale, which included only those items that have been agreed upon and clearly related to the attitude to be observed that can be included. 2. Likert scale makes it easier than Thurstone scale. 3. Likert scales have relatively high reliability compared with Thurstone scale for the same number of items. The more the number of items, then the lack of reliability. Likert scale may show items that are expressed in several alternative responses (SS = strongly agree, agree = S, R = undecided, TS = disagree, STS = strongly disagree). Whereas Thurstone scale open only two alternatives only. 4. Because the term greater responsiveness make Likert scale can provide clearer information about income and real or respondents' attitudes about the issue in question. weakness Likert scale 1. Because the measure used is the size of the ordinal, Likert scale can only sort individuals in scale, but can not compare the number of times an individual is better than the other individuals. 2. Sometimes the total score of the individual does not give a clear meaning, because many patterns of response to some of the items will give the same score. The above weaknesses can actually be thought of as errors of response occurs. Sources Nazir M. Research Methods. Ghalia Indonesia, Bogor; 2005.
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